Blood Dragon Live-Action Trailer is 80s Cheese Fantastic James Schumacher, April 17, 2013April 22, 2013 Blood Dragon Live-Action Trailer is 80s Cheese Fantastic We’ve seen it in (brief) action, we’ve even played it, but a part of me still worries that Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is an elaborate joke. May 1st will come around, and instead of the weird 80s-inspired… from Public RSS-Feed of… Continue Reading
Newest Man of Steel Trailer is Promising James Schumacher, April 16, 2013April 22, 2013 Newest Man of Steel Trailer is Promising Man of Steel – Official Trailer 3 [HD] from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Arkham Origins from WB Montreal James Schumacher, April 9, 2013April 10, 2013 Batman: Arkham Origins announced, with a new developer in the Batcave | News | PC Gamer from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Charlie Brown vs The Army of Darkness James Schumacher, March 29, 2013March 3, 2014 “It’s The Army of Darkness Charlie Brown” by Justin Hillgrove Icons & Influences is an upcoming art show at Ltd. Art Gallery in Seattle, Washington that will feature over 30 original… from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Destructible Environments in Real Time – Nvidia Demo James Schumacher, March 27, 2013March 27, 2013 If this was a movie, the end of this video would pull back to reveal a round-table of world leaders staring dumbfounded. Then, Nvidia’s PhysX SDK Research Lead Matthias Müller-Fischer, would appear on… from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Rain Teaser GameplayTrailer James Schumacher, March 26, 2013March 27, 2013 Sony has released the first gameplay footage of its upcoming PlayStation 3 adventure title Rain. from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Super Metroid High Res Style James Schumacher, March 25, 2013March 27, 2013 An awesome sped-up playback of a painting that converts a 16-bit Super Metroid still into a hyper-realistic painting. This guy has done the same for several other games, I highly suggest a view in full 1080p and a subscription. from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’… Continue Reading
Walken – Interview with a Regular Guy #crosspost James Schumacher, March 22, 2013 Walken – Interview with a Regular Guy #crosspost Christopher Walken has made so many movies playing psychos and weirdos, he can’t remember half of them. But in his latest film, A Late Quartet, he’s been cast against type as a cellist with Parkinson’… from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created… Continue Reading
The World’s End from Hot Fuzz Crew Coming Soon James Schumacher, March 20, 2013March 22, 2013 The World’s End from Hot Fuzz Crew Coming Soon The World’s End stars Pegg, Frost, Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine, Eddie Marsan, and Rosamund Pike, and tells the story of five childhood friends who reunite to try and tackle an epic pub crawl tha… from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created… Continue Reading
Metro Last Light – Salvation Trailer James Schumacher, March 19, 2013May 15, 2013 Metro: Last – Light Salvation Trailer Looking forward to this game. The original had a great atmosphere and was a surprisingly strong game. It was a big graphic intensive, I couldn’t tell if that was an attempt to be a Crysis-style envelope pusher or just lack of good optimization. Possibly… Continue Reading
Bastion Creators go Sci-Fi with new Teaser James Schumacher, March 19, 2013March 19, 2013 “If you ask me, Supergiant Games’ Bastion was one of the best games to come out in the last few years. So, a new game from that indie dev studio is great news.” Click on the image above for the full original story and the teaser trailer. Bastion was a… Continue Reading
Game of Thrones and Princess Bride Mashed James Schumacher, March 16, 2013March 16, 2013 “It’s been a while since I last watched The Princess Bride, but this video by CinestirTV is still pretty clever. I’m sure many of us have reacted to Game of Thrones in the same way as the grandson, eh?…” See Video at Kotaku from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created… Continue Reading