O Brother Where Art Thou Anniversary – Deluxe Soundtrack & Bluray James Schumacher, August 2, 2011 The final major portion of the Coen Brothers Blu-ray Summer, as I’ve been calling it, will cap off with two major releases celebrating the anniversary of O Brother Where Art Thou. The two releases are the first Bluray release for the film and a Deluxe 2 Disc O Brother Where… Continue Reading
Coen Brothers Collection – Blu-ray Continued James Schumacher, July 4, 2011July 10, 2011 Coen Brothers Collection Blu-ray In part two of the Coen Brothers Blu-ray Summer we take a look at the remaining films (including [amazon_link id=”B004RQDQIQ” target=”_blank” ]Miller’s Crossing Blu-ray[/amazon_link]) of the Coen Brother Collection Blu-ray set leading towards the final Blu-ray release of the Coens Summer Blu-rays, a 10th anniversary selection… Continue Reading