Return to Saints Row in August! James Schumacher, March 15, 2013March 16, 2013 Saints Row IV is coming, and very soon at that! Experience the latest in this former THQ property, now from publisher Deep Silver. Saints are now Super Heroes. Full teaser/announce trailer above. from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Richard Garriott Talks Kickstarter James Schumacher, March 13, 2013March 13, 2013 Like so many role-playing pioneers before him, Richard Garriott has joined the boom-or-bust gold rush that is Kickstarter. However, unlike literally all of from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Dreamfall’s Journey Will Continue James Schumacher, March 11, 2013March 11, 2013 “[Update] Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey’s Kickstarter is over, and Red Thread Games made a haul, nearly doubling its original goal.” from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Just Cause Devs Tout PS4’s Power James Schumacher, March 11, 2013March 11, 2013 Before you reach for your keyboard-shaped axe in fury, know that Avalanche co-founder Linus Blomberg is specifically referring to the next-gen console’s 8GB of GDDR5 RAM. That’s an impressive leap for… from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Mass Effect Medi-Gel is Real! James Schumacher, March 10, 2013March 11, 2013 “Without medi-gels—the life-saving healing salves in Mass Effect—our Commander Shepards would be toast. Out in the real world, though, we can’t just apply medi-gel to our injuries…” Full Article and video (not for blood squeamish) at Kotaku. from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Shadowrun Returns Alpha Footage James Schumacher, March 8, 2013March 11, 2013 Shadowrun Returns Alpha Footage presented by the devs. I put a nice chunk of change into this Kickstarter as I’m a fan of the world’s design, characters and mythology, and of course a huge fan of the SNES version of Shadowrun. It’s a game which I play occasionally to this… Continue Reading
To the Moon Sequel Prequel? James Schumacher, March 7, 2013March 10, 2013 “Freebird Games has announced a spiritual prequel to its hit title To The Moon in the shape of A Bird Story.” from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
Thief 4 Emerges from the Shadows James Schumacher, March 5, 2013March 5, 2013 The fan favorite Thief series has re-emerged with “leaked” screenshots followed by a full announcement. The game will be a next-gen title shipping in 2014. The screenshots so far look really good and you can see many more of them at the RPS link and original story below. While some… Continue Reading
Potentially Bad News for Dead Space Franchise James Schumacher, March 5, 2013March 5, 2013 And before I can even write my thoughts down this rumor has been dispelled by EA, calling this idea a “great exaggeration”. While it’s true the newest entry into the franchise did deviate from it’s terrified, alone, descent-into-madness beginnings, I found it to be a very enjoyable co-op experience, with amazing… Continue Reading
Greenlight Ether One -and Restore Lost Memories James Schumacher, February 13, 2013February 21, 2013 Greenlight Ether One -and Restore Lost Memories #crosspost Imagine a future where memory loss and mental illness could be cured. Sounds a little crazy, right? But that’s the premise behind upcoming adventure game, Ether One. You are what they call a “restorer… from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with… Continue Reading
TF2 Recreates Secret of Monkey Island Scene James Schumacher, January 31, 2013February 1, 2013 TF2 Recreates Secret of Monkey Island Scene #crosspost Fans of Secret of Monkey Island, the 1990 point-n-click adventure game, will undoubtedly remember the infamous “three trials” scene, in which protagonist Guybrush Threepwood proclaims to Mêlée Island’… from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the PIXELMECHANICS ‘GPlusRSS-Webtool’ at Continue Reading
King’s Landing Recreated in Minecraft is Glorious James Schumacher, January 30, 2013February 1, 2013 King's Landing Recreated in Minecraft is Glorious #crosspost We’ve seen some amazing Game of Thrones stuff from the people at Westeroscraft in the past, but these latest shots of King’s Landing just may take the cake. Check ’em out: Good lord. from Public RSS-Feed of James Schumacher. Created with the… Continue Reading