Action DMC Devil May Cry – Mission 2 Home Truths 720p James Schumacher, January 31, 2013January 31, 2013 After defeating the Hunter Demon, Dante follows Kat to the hidden Headquarters of ‘The Order’. There he meets Vergil who wants him to join their cause in fighting the demons and preventing the annihilation of the humans. Vergil asks for only a little of Dante’s time in order to make… Continue Reading
Action I am Alive Chapters 4-5 – Dust & Skyscraper James Schumacher, January 10, 2013January 23, 2013 After heading to the top of the mall our hero locates the government supply crate on the top of a distant skyscraper. Using a functioning lift he makes his way to the building exterior and eventually back down to the street where he begins the long climb. Not only will… Continue Reading
Action I am Alive Chapters 2-3 – Home & Shelter 720p James Schumacher, January 8, 2013January 23, 2013 After making his way home to find it empty the protagonist hear’s the cry of a child. When he heads out to investigate, the startled girl runs away. When he relocates her she is cornered by some bad-looking people. If he can get her free they will have to make… Continue Reading
Action I am Alive Chapter 1 – Return 720p James Schumacher, January 2, 2013January 23, 2013 We continue the final steps of our main character nearly year-long journey by foot to his apartment. The harsh realities of the post “event” world are evident as our character must take life and do so tactically. Once at his apartment he hopes to find his wife and child. Game… Continue Reading
Action I Am Alive PC Intro – First 10 – 1080p James Schumacher, December 24, 2012January 23, 2013 I Am Alive has come to the PC platform. Taking place after “the event” the game is a post-apocalyptic, action-adventure in the style of Uncharted. This is the intro sequence of the game and roughly the first 10 minutes of gameplay. This segment has been recorded with max graphical settings… Continue Reading
Action Dishonored Part 6 – Slackjawed Deals James Schumacher, December 15, 2012January 10, 2013 Corvo receives word that Slackjaw wants to have a chat. A bit awkward since he was the one that poisoned their elixer for Granny earlier… Slackjaw can get Corvo to the Pendletons, but he wants something first. So it’s off to investigate Dr. Galvani and Slackjaw’s missing man. Meta… Continue Reading
PC Games Hitman Absolution – Welcome to Hope 720p James Schumacher, December 4, 2012January 10, 2013 Birdie is attempting to work all the angles in order save his own skin. He offers Blake a deal to capture agent 47. Blake now knows that Victoria has something to do with The Agency. Meanwhile 47 heads to the bar found on the matchbook that Wade had. He creates… Continue Reading
Shooter Dishonored Part 5 – Please Cease Vomiting in My Face Brothers James Schumacher, October 31, 2012November 25, 2012 Corvo returns to the pub after saving Curnow, releasing Martin and finishing his assassination mission through a swapping of glasses. He meets with the loyalists and they discuss their further plans. In the morning Corvo is sent to investigate the sewers below the area where he encounters the Weepers. When… Continue Reading
Action XCOM Enemy Unknown Missions 16 – Glass Hammer James Schumacher, October 31, 2012January 11, 2013 Operation Glass Hammer is an abduction mission taking place in Montreal. Canada. The crew is assaulted by Sectoids, Heavy Floatersm Thin Men and a surprise set of Mutons in a tower. Unfortunately the squad goes back down one man. RIP Captain Sam “Drifter” Miller, you will be missed. Meta… Continue Reading
Action XCOM Enemy Unknown Missions 15 – Severed Spark James Schumacher, October 27, 2012January 11, 2013 This time around, Operation Severed Spark, covers a new reported terror attack in Marseille France. In an a very fortunate turn of events the squad is able to corral a Muton Berserker and capture specialist Rossi zaps him for later interrogation. As they whittle down the remaining numbers of hostiles… Continue Reading
Shooter Dishonored Part 4 – Clearly Cannot Choose the Wine in Front of Me James Schumacher, October 26, 2012November 25, 2012 After bypassing both “walls of light” Corvo begins his mission to assassinate the Overseer and possibly save Captain Curnow in the process. But first he releases Martin from his prison. Martin has, an overseer himself, has joined the cause of the loyalists. There will be many guards and paths on… Continue Reading
Action XCOM Enemy Unknown Missions Part 14 – Lost Fear James Schumacher, October 25, 2012January 11, 2013 Site of a UFO cargo ship crash site. Taking down an alien cargo ship allows the crew to recover more resources. They are initially met with resistance from some heavy floaters. Once inside it’s all Muton, including a berserker that threatens the group. The mission ultimately smooth and successful.… Continue Reading