Art Color Photo to Black and White Conversion James Schumacher, February 20, 2017 There are many pieces of software that can handle the conversion of color images or photos into black and white for you. Most if them are as simple as a single click. Rarely will these quick-fix solutions produce the quality of images one would get from A) Shooting in black… Continue Reading
Kotaku – First Look at Hyrule Historia English James Schumacher, August 20, 2012August 20, 2012 Kotaku – First Look at Hyrule Historia English Kotaku gives us a first look at the Hyrule Historia english version coming out in the first month of next year (2013). The english presentation was produced by Oregon’s own Dark Horse Comics, a badge of triumph for local gamers, comic-book and… Continue Reading
Awesome Retro-style Prints James Schumacher, July 3, 2012July 3, 2012 Awesome retro-style prints. #crosspost RetroGeekology offers a small collection of art prints inspired by classic gaming, such as Metroid, Super Mario, Zelda and the always classic Castlevania. A great way to add some classically-inspired art to your gaming or media room. Continue Reading
Art Nvidia Geforce T-shirt Contest Submission James Schumacher, June 18, 2012February 20, 2017 Hello all, it’s been a bit since I’ve written anything for the site. I’m still playing games, listening to music, reading books and watching film, just find less time to write, particularly as writing is a good portion of my day job, However I did recently produce a little bit… Continue Reading
Zombie Halloween Photoshop James Schumacher, October 30, 2011February 20, 2017 A few years ago for halloween (and several times since then) I’ve created zombie-fied versions of myself or friends for usage in the social media profiles. Obviously this can be done for any holiday, but Halloween provides the most opportunity for some fun and for exercising those Photoshop muscles. The… Continue Reading