Action Dark Souls Gameplay Pt 14 – Quelagg Boss Fight 720p James Schumacher, September 22, 2012January 11, 2013 Dark Souls Gameplay Pt 14 – Quelagg Boss Fight Heading back to Blighttown via the back entrance we cross the poison water after taking out a few heavy rock-throwing baddies and then enter the web-covered Quelagg’s Domain. Not the worm, parasite things. I take them out from distance because I’ve… Continue Reading
Action Dark Souls Gameplay Pt 3 – Taurus Demon – I Don’t Take no Bull James Schumacher, September 9, 2012January 11, 2013 Dark Souls Gameplay Pt 3 – Taurus Demon – I Don’t Take no Bull So after some level grinding (I told you I was bad at this). I decide to attempt to take on the Taurus demon, I failed twice before and decided that I needed to A) Level up… Continue Reading