Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Premiere Recap James Schumacher, September 26, 2011July 17, 2015 So our show starts with a healthy recap of the previous seasons deeds (and misdeeds), all gearing up towards the deck being stacked against Nucky. We then roll into a montage of good times throughout Atlantic City. Booze and cash are rolling in and Nucky is in the center, carousing… Continue Reading
Haiku for you James Schumacher, July 2, 2010July 17, 2010 Well, no not really. It’s not for you. Well, I guess it could be, if you wanted it to be. But this haiku is not a monogamist. He wants to see other people, and I am an encouraging that. Associated Content is having a contest for Haiku poems regarding the… Continue Reading