Commentary Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2 – 3 Player Co-op Gameplay James Schumacher, November 8, 2013October 6, 2016 Here’s a montage of some late-game 3 player co-op of Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2. By late game I mean about 2 1/2 – 3 hours in as this sequel is a max of 4 hours with the zombie multiplier up pretty high. The game introduced some nice new… Continue Reading
Video Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2 Intro James Schumacher, October 31, 2013October 6, 2016 The surprise sequel to the surprise spin-off… Nazi Zombies are back again in Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army 2. Nazi Zombie Army was a horror-themed spin-off of Sniper Elite V2. This sequel, again released at Halloween presents the opportunity for 4-player co-op action against the never-ending hordes of the Nazi… Continue Reading