Gears of War 3 Soundtrack List James Schumacher, September 6, 2011October 14, 2013 Gears of War 3 will be released on Sept.30 completing “the trilogy”. Of course with a franchise as big as this, don’t be too surprised if the series continues on. Below is the full Gears of War Soundtrack list composed by Steve Jablonsky. Jablonsky was educated and trained by the… Continue Reading
Terminator Mod – Los Angeles 2029 – Alpha 2.0 Release James Schumacher, May 31, 2011May 31, 2011 Terminator Mod Alpha 2.0 Looks like the team from the Terminator Mod has been very hard at work, improving their mod and implementing new features. From the betas and videos most people, including myself, are calling this the best Terminator Game(or at leas it will be), better than the many… Continue Reading