Valve on Big Picture and SteamBox James Schumacher, January 10, 2013January 10, 2013 Full article at PCGamer “Big Picture mode, a full-screen Steam interface suitable for TVs, released in December as part of Valve’s attention-grabbing campaign to plant PC gaming in the living room. In an interview with Polygo…” While I’m not sure I will buy a SteamBox, I do “buy” into the… Continue Reading
Valve Won’t Sell Out James Schumacher, September 12, 2012September 12, 2012 Valve Won’t Sell Out EA sought to buy Valve for $1 billion – Report Valve has always marched to the bear of their own drum. It really doesn’t come as a surprise to me that they would eschew any outside offer of purchase, even ones with $1,000,000,000 price tags from… Continue Reading
Valve Console Probably Real James Schumacher, September 5, 2012September 6, 2012 Valve Console Probably Real Valve Confirms Hardware Development – IGN Read the post on IGN above. I wouldn’t say this is a full confirmation, as Valve hasn’t come straight out and said. In fact they have denied all along. But this posting has been verified according to them, and that… Continue Reading