Looper Soundtrack from Found Sounds James Schumacher, September 3, 2012October 14, 2013 Looper Soundtrack from Found Sounds Looper Soundtrack Making Of New Looper poster, details on the film’s unique score – FLIXIST I’ve had my eye on Looper for quite some time. I try to watch anything with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in it. His acting is top-notch; such a long way from his… Continue Reading
Action The Last Starfighter Blu-ray Review James Schumacher, September 16, 2010January 23, 2019 I have heard a lot of people talk about The Last Starfighter as a “guilty pleasure”. I definitely won’t call it that. I have very few guilty pleasures in life as I feel no guilt for the things I have liked in my lifetime (well in film and music anyway…)…. Continue Reading
Darksiders of the Moon | Moon Blu-ray | Darksiders PS3 James Schumacher, August 1, 2010September 24, 2010 Hey folks, this evening I wanted to share two mini-reviews for a movie and a game. The movies is Moon and the game is Darksiders, hence the oh-so-clever post title. For you non-gamers, I will start with the Moon review. Moon – Sam Rockwell I finally got to watch Moon… Continue Reading