Video Games Shadowgate (2014) – Intro and Title Screen James Schumacher, August 25, 2014August 25, 2014 Shadowgate (2014) – Intro and Title Screen Continue Reading
Is Nothing Sacred? Ernest Rebooted James Schumacher, October 16, 2012October 19, 2012 Jim Varney’s corpse to get punked in ‘Son of Ernest’ Look, you’ll never hear from me that Ernest or his movies is high-brow top-notch film-making (or television back in the day). What I will tell you is that Jim Varney entertained me greatly as a child and as I aged… Continue Reading
Adventure Classic Last Express Hits iOS James Schumacher, September 24, 2012September 24, 2012 Adventure Classic Last Express Hits iOS The Last Express Arrives On iOS Soon The class “real-time” adventure game with rotoscope animation is making it’s way to iOS according to this article. The Last Express is a very popular game that I have only been able to play very briefly. It… Continue Reading