Playstation Store Welcome Back Gifts are Live James Schumacher, June 3, 2011June 3, 2011 Update – Playstation Store Welcome Back is Overwhelmed Just like when the Network went up, and the store first came back, it’s overwhelmed. You’ll be seeing a lot of time-out errors and slow downloads. I suggest waiting to redeem your freebies for a day or two, or at least later… Continue Reading
Killzone Takes a Step Back – Killzone 3 Review James Schumacher, June 1, 2011June 1, 2011 Killzone History I came to the series late. In fact, I never played the first entry. I remember it receiving much hype. I was almost 100% a PC gamer at the time and didn’t by a PS2 until very late in the cycle. As some of you may have read… Continue Reading
October 5th Kicks off Big Month in Video Gaming James Schumacher, October 4, 2010October 27, 2010 October is going to be a significant month in gaming for this 2010 calendar year. Most of the biggest titles are going to be released in this month, probably in anticipation of big sales and possible shortages ahead of prime-time holiday purchasing through Thanksgiving and on up towards Christmas. While… Continue Reading