Action Thief – Part 7 – Skull and Blossoms James Schumacher, March 2, 2014March 2, 2014 All rights Eidos Montreal and Square Enix. Thief Walkthrough – Part 7 – Skull and Blossoms 1080p – All Side Jobs Prior to Dirty Secrets and after Dust to Dust. Garret heads out of the clocktower several days after completing the Foundry Job. He receives a meeting request from Basso… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 10 – Derelict Reclaimed James Schumacher, February 26, 2013February 26, 2013 Mission 10 FLAMETHROWERS!!!!! Ah the fire fun lasts only briefly, but then we move on to some RPG action shortly after as the Colonial Marines squad takes the fight to the aliens. The RPG gather and shoots is performed 3 times before we can move over. The offensive culminates in… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 9 – Hope in Hadley’s James Schumacher, February 26, 2013February 26, 2013 Finally the tension of playing an awful game begins to show. We are barely talking through the beginning of the mission, just trying to force our way through, luckily things lighten up by the second half as we and our band of marines drop down some auto turrets and defend… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 8 Rampart James Schumacher, February 25, 2013February 25, 2013 Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op play struggles on with Mission 8, entitled Rampart. In this mission we discover a space jockey, explode some people and some aliens with explosive dart guns and yadda yadda yadda. We then find our target, the kidnapped and hooded space marine which is revealed to be… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 7 – One Bullet James Schumacher, February 25, 2013February 25, 2013 Yes, more Aliens Colonial Marines… we really did finish it and you really will get to see all of it, in all of it’s ummm… glory… seven missions down, four more to go… In this mission some stuff happens with soldiers and aliens and marines, colonial ones… imagine that! At… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 6 – For Bella James Schumacher, February 23, 2013February 23, 2013 More Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op, This is Mission 6 For Bella, we continue on our race to save Bella who we already know is not saveable… blah blah blah… fight soldiers, fight aliens, now with spitting acid! And we also struggle against invisible walls in order to deactivate turrets. It’s… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 5 – The Raven James Schumacher, February 23, 2013February 23, 2013 Winter and his co-op partner escape from their imprisonment at the hands of a large alien. now they must sneak through the underground corridors, without weapons, surrounded by blind aliens that run at you and explode if they hear you…. yes, that’s right, blind explosive xenomorphs. This is the level… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 4 No Hope in Hadley’s James Schumacher, February 23, 2013February 23, 2013 Our crew miraculously all survives the crash after escaping the Sulaco. We then make our way on foot towards Hadley’s Hope. At Hadley’s we make use of motion sensors to track aliens as we wait for word from command. Luckily, O’Neal is also psychic and can immediately count how many… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Coop w/Commentary – Mission 3 – Sulaco Falls James Schumacher, February 23, 2013February 23, 2013 In this segment of Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op play, the Sulaco Falls. More glitches happen, I light some Weyland Yutani soldiers on fire, strange collision meshes appear, bodies ragdoll awkwardly and then our escape fighter get’s caught in a MIGs jet-wash… or something sort of like that… Aliens Colonial Marines… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Glitch – Sidewayliens – Sideways Alien James Schumacher, February 21, 2013February 23, 2013 There have been many, many glitches during this playthrough, I feature some in the thumbnails for the coops vids. We called this one Sidewayliens. An alien stuck sideways, still alive, in a doorway. In Mission one we had the character Bella stuck in a doorway which can be seen in… Continue Reading
Action Colonial Marines Co-op w/Commentary – Mission 2 – Battle for Sulaco James Schumacher, February 21, 2013February 23, 2013 Aliens Colonial Marines Coop continues with Mission 2 the “Battle for Sulaco”. Remaining forces come under attack from a human force, possibly the ones that have been using surveillance on the aliens. Ultimately the Battle may be already lost… Winters and his crew will need to regroup for one last… Continue Reading
Action Aliens Colonial Marines Co-op w/ Commentary – Mission 1 Distress James Schumacher, February 20, 2013February 23, 2013 Aliens Colonial Marines Coop Action! Mostly we complain about the game as we play through in 2-player co-op style. This is the first mission, Distress. You can view the intro and first mission in 1080p sans commentary on my channel page, all the rest of these missions will be 720p… Continue Reading