Playstation Store Welcome Back Gifts are Live James Schumacher, June 3, 2011June 3, 2011 Update – Playstation Store Welcome Back is Overwhelmed Just like when the Network went up, and the store first came back, it’s overwhelmed. You’ll be seeing a lot of time-out errors and slow downloads. I suggest waiting to redeem your freebies for a day or two, or at least later… Continue Reading
Action Uncharted 3 Pre-orders Rolling Out with Collector’s Edition James Schumacher, June 2, 2011October 6, 2016 Just Finished my Platinum run-through of L.A.Noire and I’m waiting for all of the DLC to download. Either my connection is bad tonight, which is quite possible, or the Playstation Store is again getting slammed after re-opening late last night. While perusing the usual news, information, gaming and media sites,… Continue Reading
Playstation Store Back Online James Schumacher, June 1, 2011June 2, 2011 Playstation Network Store – 10:12 PM PM 6/1/2011 So… Playstation Store officially went back online a little bit back. I was tying up some loose ends in my L.A. Noire 100% quest and was auto-signed out of the network. Sure enough after logging back in I tried the store just… Continue Reading