Recent Gaming Roundup – Juarez, F.E.A.R. 3, Catherine James Schumacher, August 15, 2011August 15, 2011 Hearing the Call The Call of Juarez features a spiritual-successor storyline to the original games. One of the main characters, and if we’re honest the focal point of the game, is Ben McCall, ancient ancestor to the Reverend Ray McCall, gun-toting preacher from the previous two games. That’s kind of… Continue Reading
On the Brink of Something Good James Schumacher, June 22, 2011June 29, 2011 Brink made a promise upon it initial debut to reinvent or at the least reinvigorate the first person shooter. Early media gave us glimpses of highly stylized characters and an interesting mixture of traditional shooting mechanics with free-running (parkour) mixed in for good measure. Most people were touting the game… Continue Reading
Singularity Game Review James Schumacher, July 3, 2010July 21, 2010 So I obtained myself a copy of Singularity PC as opposed to Singularity PS3. I just have issues with shooters and using a controller when I have the option of keyboard and mouse. I have written a full Singularity PC game review for Associated Content. Please check it out if… Continue Reading