Video King’s Quest VI Intro – Enhanced James Schumacher, July 28, 2013October 6, 2016 Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow is the 6th and perhaps most popular and well-known entry of the Sierra adventure series King’s Quest. It again features voice acting and large world to explore. Setup ScummVM Daily Build FluidSynth with FluidR3 Soundfont HQ3x Graphics setting. Via Wikipedia : “The game takes place almost… Continue Reading
Video King’s Quest V Intro – Enhanced James Schumacher, July 28, 2013October 6, 2016 Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! is the 5th entry into the King’s Quest franchise from Sierra. It was released in 1990 and was the first of the series to feature VGA graphics and full voice-acting. Setup: ScummVM Daily HQ3x Graphics Fluidsynth with FluidR3.SF2 Via Wikipedia : “In the introduction… Continue Reading
Video King’s Quest I SCI Intro – Enhanced James Schumacher, July 4, 2013October 6, 2016 King’s Quest Quest for the Crown was a remake of the original game, coming out between the 4th entry in the series and the 5th game which was also full VGA. Interestingly enough people complained about the remake and it was a failure. This is particularly add odds with the… Continue Reading
Video Quest for Glory IV Intro – Enhanced James Schumacher, July 3, 2013October 6, 2016 Quest for Glory Shadows of Darkness is the fourth entry into the classic adventure-RPG series from Sierra. This is the first Quest for Glory game I played. It features an orchestrated soundtrack and high quality voice-acting anchored by the performance of John Rhys-Davies (Sallah from Indiana Jones/Gimlie from LotR) as… Continue Reading
Video Quest for Glory I VGA Intro – Enhanced James Schumacher, July 3, 2013October 6, 2016 Quest for Glory aka Hero’s Quest is a sort of adventure-RPG hybrid game from Sierra. I came to the series very late with part IV. The games employ a good dose of humor from what I have seen. I’ve been meaning to go back to the beginning of the series… Continue Reading
Video Laura Bow – The Colonel’s Bequest Enhanced James Schumacher, July 2, 2013October 6, 2016 Colonel’s Bequest is the first of two adventure from Sierra featuring the character of Laura Bow. My first encounter with this character was in the follow-up Laura Bow 2 – The Dagger of Amon Ra. I have never played this game and never finished its sequel due to it freezing… Continue Reading
Video Gabriel Knight II – The Beast Within – Prologue/Intro James Schumacher, June 30, 2013October 6, 2016 Gabriel Knight II – The Beast Within was a huge change from the first entry. The game employed FMV (Full Motion Video) which was all the rage at the time. The two leads of Grace and Gabriel were re-cast in order to make the visual look of the characters. The… Continue Reading
Video Gabriel Knight Intro – HQ Enhanced James Schumacher, June 30, 2013October 6, 2016 Gabriel Knight – Sins of the Fathers is another classic adventure game from Sierra. It features a pretty significant voice cast (for the time period) with Tim Curry, Leah Remini, Mark “Luke Skywalker” Hammill and Michael “Warf” Dorn. It has a very strong story focused on mysterious murders which are… Continue Reading
Video Robin Hood Conquests of the Longbow Intro MT32 – HQ James Schumacher, June 30, 2013October 6, 2016 Robin Hood – Conquests of the Longbow is probably my favorite of the Sierra On-Line created adventure games. I play it almost yearly. It’s a classic Robin Hood tale with nice visuals and great music composed by Aubrey Hodges and Mark Seibert. This is the MT32 audio version of the… Continue Reading
Video Conquests of Camelot Intro – MT32 James Schumacher, June 30, 2013October 6, 2016 Conquests of Camelot is the precursor to one of my favorite games of all time, Robin Hood : Conquests of the Longbow. Camelot is an early SCI game that employs keyboard commands with simple mouse, much like early LSL and Codename ICEMAN. I never made it very far in this… Continue Reading
Video Betrayal at Krondor – Titles – CD Enhanced James Schumacher, June 30, 2013October 6, 2016 Betrayal at Krondor is an RPG adventure from Dynamix (sub-company of Sierra On-Line) set in the world of Midkemia of author Raymond E. Feist. This is one of my favorite games of all time. I have owned two different copies of the game, the original on disk and this CD-Rom… Continue Reading
Video Freddy Pharkas – Frontier Pharmacist – Intro – HQ Enhanced James Schumacher, June 30, 2013October 6, 2016 The Intro sequence from the classic Sierra On-Line adventure game, Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist. Sierra Fanfare uses soundfont from below. Graphics are scaled through DosBox. Probably going up a bunch of Sierra intros and gameplay like I did for Lucasarts Madness – Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist CD version DosBox… Continue Reading