Gears of War 3 Soundtrack List James Schumacher, September 6, 2011October 14, 2013 Gears of War 3 will be released on Sept.30 completing “the trilogy”. Of course with a franchise as big as this, don’t be too surprised if the series continues on. Below is the full Gears of War Soundtrack list composed by Steve Jablonsky. Jablonsky was educated and trained by the… Continue Reading
Mafia II Soundtrack Details – Mafia 2 Music List James Schumacher, August 23, 2010October 15, 2013 ***Check out the new Info on the Fallout New Vegas Soundtrack, with lots more classic songs from a similar time period as Mafia II!*** **** UPDATE, Full Mafia II Review – “Family” is Thicker Than Blood has been published, check it out! **** As I mentioned in my Mafia 2… Continue Reading
Action Favorite Games – Betrayal at Krondor James Schumacher, April 27, 2009March 9, 2014 OK, so the newest Facebook thing that everyone is doing isthe Top 5 lists.. a nice break from the the what color of sadness are you and what celebrity do you stalk the most quizzes. However, I have always had real problem with Top Lists. They are so arbitrary and,… Continue Reading