Technorati & Social Networking James Schumacher, July 13, 2010July 17, 2010 So I am still new to the self-promotion game. Just signed up for Technorati. Verify code 5YGKSEMMNVPP . Social Bookmarking and Social Networking is all foreign to me. I’m still a Twitter newbie, though that one is easy. It would be nice if I had a phone that supported it. I am grateful for any tips, help, pointers, general discussion about marketing through social networking and social bookmarking that is non-evasive. I don’t want to spam the people I know anymore that I do strangers, but I do want stimulate hits, and discussion/comments that keep people here and help me improve my articles and blog posts. Anyways, later… Related posts: Uncharted Territory via Subway Bloglovin’ Upcoming Posts – July & August Uncharted 3 Subway Prizes Guybrush Starkiller? | id More Open-source| NBA Jam HD EA E3 2011 Press Conference Breakdown General