Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Episode 3 – Bone for Tuna – Recap James Schumacher, October 1, 2012October 1, 2012 Our latest episode open with Nucky in his office. He is having trouble dialing a number; attempting to reach Ms. Kent. The operator speaks strangely to him. A young boy stands in front of Nucky. Nucky holds a frying pan with bacon, which somehow morphs into a gun and shoots… Continue Reading
Shea Whigham (Eli Thompson) Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Interview James Schumacher, September 26, 2012 HBO interviews Shea Whigham the actor that plays Eli Thompson on Boardwalk Empire. Whigham talks about the big difference in the character from the previous season. We left him as the Sherrif, who tooks sides with Jimmy Dormandy and the Commodor to go against his own brother, Nucky. This led… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Episode 2 – Spaghetti & Coffee – Recap James Schumacher, September 24, 2012September 27, 2012 Our brief recap and teaser at the top of the show clues us in that Chalky White and Nucky’s brother, the former sheriff may be making an appearance this episode. Let’s see what happens on episode two in season three of Boardwalk Empire, entitled Spaghetti and Coffee. Boardwalk Empire s3e2… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Episode 1 – Resolution – Recap James Schumacher, September 17, 2012September 24, 2012 September 16, 2012 saw the return of Boardwalk Empire to HBO and we begin with a montage of all the events that got us to this point. The Commodore and Jimmy moving against Nucky. Commodore’s stroke. Van Alden’s child with Lucy and his eventual run from the law. Jimmy’s incest…. Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode Seven – Peg of Old James Schumacher, November 10, 2011 A double dose of Boardwalk with the also late, but not quite as late recap. Last week’s Boardwalk Empire Episode saw Lucy gave birth, Van Alden’s wife found out, Margaret confesses to her love for… Owen? The attorney general pulls support for Nucky due to pressure from Senator Edge, and… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire – The Age of Reason – Season 2 Episode 6 Recap James Schumacher, November 10, 2011November 10, 2011 Back again, and late again here is the recap for the October 30th episode of Boardwalk Empire, following Episode 5, Gimcrack and Bunkum. This one is sorta? brief. The Age of Reason Recap (S2E6) Van Alden reads his bible, while Lucy requests groceries. Margaret and her boy see the priest… Continue Reading
Catching up with Boardwalk Empire – Episode 5 James Schumacher, October 24, 2011October 25, 2011 Well… I had a full episode 4 write-up all prepared, it needed editing/reformatting, images and optimization. It was going to be late, I’m a one man shop and I have three shows and lots of games to write about. However the draft seems to have gone missing completely. So I… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire A Dangerous Maid – Season 2 Episode 3 Recap James Schumacher, October 12, 2011October 12, 2011 We left with almost everyone apart from the not-so-bright Damien turned against Nucky and Margaret taking a turn on the darkside, by getting Nucky’s ledger-book and cash from his hidden compartment before the feds could get it. Chalky was also still in prison, “for his own protection”. That was Episode… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire Ourselves Alone – Season 2 Episode 2 Recap James Schumacher, October 6, 2011October 6, 2011 Excuse my tardiness with this Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode Two recap. I’ve successfully managed to catch my first illness of this Fall season and been mostly out of commission. Ourselves Alone – Episode Recap Margaret hears from the staff and the front page of the newspaper of Nucky’s arrest for election… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Premiere Recap James Schumacher, September 26, 2011July 17, 2015 So our show starts with a healthy recap of the previous seasons deeds (and misdeeds), all gearing up towards the deck being stacked against Nucky. We then roll into a montage of good times throughout Atlantic City. Booze and cash are rolling in and Nucky is in the center, carousing… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire Season Two – Trailer #2 James Schumacher, August 30, 2011September 26, 2011 It has begun, start with Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode One Recap and look for updates after every Sunday. Awesome…. don’t need to say anything else. Boardwalk Empire Season Two – Full Trailer Sunday, September 25… Boardwalk Empire Season Two. Kick their asses Nucky! Boardwalk Empire Background Boardwalk Empire is… Continue Reading
Boardwalk Empire Season 2 – Trailer & Cast News James Schumacher, June 27, 2011September 26, 2011 The season has started, begin with Boardwalk Empire Season Two Episode One Recap and check for new recaps following every Sunday episode. Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Trailer Check out this awesome teaser of Season Two of Boardwalk Empire. Things are looking crazy in Atlantic City and New York. Looks like Michael Pitt’s… Continue Reading