Video Games Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi – Intro (MT-32 Emulated) James Schumacher, March 1, 2017May 6, 2017 Continue Reading
Video Games Wizardy VII – Crusaders of the Dark Savant – Intro (Sir-Tech 1992) James Schumacher, March 1, 2017May 6, 2017 Continue Reading
Adventure Classic Last Express Hits iOS James Schumacher, September 24, 2012September 24, 2012 Adventure Classic Last Express Hits iOS The Last Express Arrives On iOS Soon The class “real-time” adventure game with rotoscope animation is making it’s way to iOS according to this article. The Last Express is a very popular game that I have only been able to play very briefly. It… Continue Reading
Broken Sword Sequel Heads to Kickstarter James Schumacher, August 23, 2012 Just shoosh and take in the teaser video of the latest Broken Sword game: I really can’t help myself with the Kickstarter projects that produce remakes or sequels to classic game series. Space Quest, Shadowrun, Leisure Suit Larry, Wasteland, the Doublefine Dudes and on and on. This teaser is lovely,… Continue Reading
The Music of Secret of Mana James Schumacher, August 3, 2012August 3, 2012 The Music of Secret of Mana Appreciating The Music Of Secret Of Mana Secret of Mana Music I am not an authority on the Secret of Mana aka Seiken Densetsu RPG series. When the game came out I was splitting time with other famous SNES RPGs as well as enjoying… Continue Reading
Rise of the Triad Returns James Schumacher, August 2, 2012August 3, 2012 Rise of the Triad Returns Rise of the Triad remake hits Steam this year Rise of the Triad Reboot Think of Rise of the Triad as kind of a campier DOOM (original DOOM) style game. A first-person shooter with more of a story that you understand even less than that… Continue Reading
Adventure Game Video – Police Quest III Walkthrough – Day 6 & End Titles James Schumacher, July 29, 2012October 6, 2016 Police Quest III Walkthrough – Day 6 & End Titles Day 6 will be the final one of Police Quest III. Sonny does some detective work on his partner officer Morales, using the duplicate key he made a few days before. He discovers that Morales may not be on the… Continue Reading
Adventure Game Video – Police Quest III Walkthrough – Day 5 James Schumacher, July 23, 2012October 6, 2016 Police Quest III Walkthrough – Day 5 The Police Quest III Walkthrough continues on Day 5. Sonny uses a crime plotting program on his computer to predict the location of the next crime. He gets a little more background info on Morales and it’s not good. After grabbing a GPS… Continue Reading
Adventure Game Video – Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough – Day 4 – A Code, a Tode and a Cigarette Load James Schumacher, July 21, 2012July 21, 2012 Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough – Day 4 – A Code, a Tode and a Cigarette Load After discovering the Colonel stabbed and then getting beaten by Eddie Ching’s men, Tex is in pretty bad shape. The first thing he’ll need to do is find out what the… Continue Reading
Adventure Game Video – Police Quest III Walkthrough – Day 4 James Schumacher, July 21, 2012October 6, 2016 Police Quest III Walkthrough – Day 4 Bonds gets a court summons for the Ruiz traffic stop 3 days prior. He grabs the speedometer calibration chart from the patrol car before heading to court. Bonds testifies to the slow driving of Ruiz and provides the chart, however it’s noted that… Continue Reading
Hirokazu Tanaka The Nintendo Mixtape James Schumacher, July 19, 2012July 19, 2012 Hirokazu Tanaka The Nintendo Mixtape #crosspost From Tetris to Metroid: The ‘Hip’ Tanaka Mixtape Hirokazu Tanaka – Composer Tetris, Metroid, Mother, Earthbound, Super Mario Land, Kid Icarus and Dr. Mario. What do these all have in common? Besides being classic NES games, they all share the same composer, Hirokazu Tanka…. Continue Reading
Action Video – Police Quest III Walkthrough – Day 1 James Schumacher, July 15, 2012October 6, 2016 Newly appointed to Sergeant, Sonny Bonds finds himself covering for the Traffic Division. He must lead the standard Trafffic department morning briefing and have a disciplinary discussion with an officer named Morales. She seems to have a serious attitude problem. Sonny receives a call from dispatch to check out a… Continue Reading