Action Fallout New Vegas Pre-Order | Fallout 4 Preview James Schumacher, July 20, 2010August 10, 2010 Hello everyone. A few of you have shown interest in arranging a Fallout New Vegas Pre-Order, and have been asking me some questions about the the new features and what’s going to be different. I researched and published a Fallout New Vegas Preview article with my favorite writing company. I… Continue Reading
Terminator Mod – Looks Better than real Terminator Games James Schumacher, July 19, 2010September 25, 2010 ***UPDATE POST – Terminator Mod – Los Angeles 2029 *** Wow. Check out the Alpha Trailer for a Terminator Mod for the Unreal Engine. Link to the Terminator Mod Alpha Demo download and an additional video after the jump… Terminator Mod Alpha Video There have been Terminator mods for every… Continue Reading
Deathspank Game Review | Spanking the PSN Competition James Schumacher, July 18, 2010September 28, 2011 A Deathspank review for the Playstation 3 Deathspank is a new downloadable only game from Hothead Studios and Ron Gilbert, one of the original creators Maniac Mansion and the Monkey Island series. For a discussion of one of the best games of all time, and my favorite, Monkey Island 2,… Continue Reading
Action Inception Film Review – Dreams in Action James Schumacher, July 17, 2010March 9, 2014 Hello, hope this day finds everyone well and enjoying some sunshine like we are doing today in Oregon. I watched the Inception film on Thursday and finally got around to posting my article today. I wanted to think about the film and discuss it with friends before I presented my… Continue Reading
Technorati & Social Networking James Schumacher, July 13, 2010July 17, 2010 So I am still new to the self-promotion game. Just signed up for Technorati. Verify code 5YGKSEMMNVPP . Social Bookmarking and Social Networking is all foreign to me. I’m still a Twitter newbie, though that one is easy. It would be nice if I had a phone that supported it…. Continue Reading
Action Predators Review aka Come on! I’m Here! Come on! James Schumacher, July 12, 2010March 9, 2014 Ok, so my friends that saw the movie with me and disagreed strenuously with me that the film did in fact “not suck” have been eagerly anticipating my published article on the subject. Well, hooray for you guys, because my Predators review is now published over on Associated Content. I… Continue Reading
Adventure Game Monkey Island 2 – Best Game of All Time James Schumacher, July 5, 2010March 9, 2014 Well… at least it is to me. I see top 10 lists of games, heroes and villains on the internet all the time. I struggle to come up with these lists myself, as the lists are always shifting and evolving for me. Well, with the special edition release of Monkey… Continue Reading
Singularity Game Review James Schumacher, July 3, 2010July 21, 2010 So I obtained myself a copy of Singularity PC as opposed to Singularity PS3. I just have issues with shooters and using a controller when I have the option of keyboard and mouse. I have written a full Singularity PC game review for Associated Content. Please check it out if… Continue Reading
Haiku for you James Schumacher, July 2, 2010July 17, 2010 Well, no not really. It’s not for you. Well, I guess it could be, if you wanted it to be. But this haiku is not a monogamist. He wants to see other people, and I am an encouraging that. Associated Content is having a contest for Haiku poems regarding the… Continue Reading
Action Equilibrium & Yeats James Schumacher, May 10, 2009March 9, 2014 I watched Equilibrium for the first time in quite awhile the other night, and I had forgot that the last 3 lines of this great Yeats poem were central to the story. So, the poem’s entirety is posted below. He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven Had I the heavens’… Continue Reading
Action Favorite Games – Mafia James Schumacher, April 30, 2009March 9, 2014 Originally this was part of a 2 game post along with Betrayal at Krondor. I have split them up for readability, as so that as I post specific game favorites and can devote more content to that specific games. So without further ado, here is another of my favorite games,… Continue Reading
Action Favorite Games – Betrayal at Krondor James Schumacher, April 27, 2009March 9, 2014 OK, so the newest Facebook thing that everyone is doing isthe Top 5 lists.. a nice break from the the what color of sadness are you and what celebrity do you stalk the most quizzes. However, I have always had real problem with Top Lists. They are so arbitrary and,… Continue Reading